Tsunamis. Floods.
Wars. People rebelling against their leaders.
Technology. Too much poverty.
Brothers rising up against each other.
Perverted generation.
Absolute evil. Evil is lurking everywhere.
In the midst of the darkness, God's light will shine.
I claim that, in Jesus' name.
All of these things are happening right now, in fact, things are getting worse by the minute. As I look at these things, I am rest assured that Jesus is coming really soon. It's time to turn back from our wicked ways, it's time to pursue God and nothing else, it's time to spread God's love, it's time we finally recognize the fact that God is God and He will always be who He is. It's time to believe in Him, it's time to renew our relationship with Him, it's time we forget about ourselves. Until it's too late.
Until it is too late.
My dear readers, the Lord is coming soon. Soon enough before we know it He'll be here.
Unknown time, unknown day, unknown...
Soon enough... how does that make you feel? Scared? Excited? Happy? Are you sure about where you stand right now? The ground that you're standing at right now... will it shrink or not? Is it solid Rock? Are you going to be caught up with Him on the clouds, or are you going to be left behind... for all eternity?
My desire is to be with my Savior, and when He comes, I pray that He would remember me. I want to spend eternity with my Father, the One who loves me the most. I want to see the face of Jesus, to finally sit down on His feet, to finally embrace Him. I want to sing unending praises before Him, I want Him to take delight in my heart. I want this heart to beat for Him alone. I want to think about no one but Him. I want to stand before Him, with a heart that is pure, with a heart that is clean. And by God's grace, I hope He would work out this desire in my heart.
I want to be with Jesus.
Do you want to spend eternity with Him, too?
Let's keep on pursuing Him.
He is life.
You might think this is crazy, but without Jesus... life is no life at all.
Even if you think you don't need Jesus, I believe that deep inside your heart, there is a longing, a questioning heart... a heart that is waiting to be found. Jesus loves you.
Give Him your heart now.
We don't know what tomorrow brings.
He might come anytime.
Let's be ready.