Yesterday I went out with my mentor, Ate Hannah, and we've talked about a lot of things. We were talking about our relationship with Jesus and how things were going in our lives. One thing that I just can't stop thinking about is the love of Christ for us, His church, His people. In this world we need to know what we're believing in. We need to figure out our stand. We need to know what we're fighting for. We need to know who we are fighting for. Because when we finally know the One who we are fighting for, we are aware that we're not alone in this fight. We have Jesus. He is our armor.
You know friends, I have a deep desire for this generation to rise up. To reach its full potential. To think that "there must be more than this" in all situations. I want to see young people rising up for Jesus, fighting for their faith, fighting to protect the name of the Lord. I want to see young people enjoying the presence of God, faithfully serving God, and deeply in love with God.
To love Christ, it's not just about being in a ministry. To love Christ, it's not just about reading the Bible. To love Christ, it's not just about following Him. To love Christ, it's about being selfless. To love Christ, it's about not worrying about whether you'll lose your life for His sake. To love Christ, it's about being willing to lay down our lives for Him.
If you are reading this, I pray that you would rise up for Jesus. I pray that no matter what life brings you, you'll always hold onto Jesus. I pray that you would desire to find real intimacy with Jesus. I pray that you would protect your fire and never let the enemy steal it.
If you are a church leader, a youth leader, an officer, a member of the core group, I pray for empowerment upon your life. I pray for holiness. Holiness at home, in school, at work, in church For a life that is set apart, soaked-wet in the presence of our lovely God. I pray that you would reserve your heart for Jesus and you would find contentment in Him. I pray for wisdom. Pour out your heart and energy in serving the King. Set up for things that are eternal! Never put down your guard. I pray that God would increase in your life and you would be humble. Do not be weary in doing good, because your reward is in heaven, brothers and sisters. Fan up the zeal, always be on guard. Reach more souls for Jesus, and never listen to the lies of the enemy! Rise up! Rise up for Jesus! Shine for Jesus!
If you are a worship leader, a member of the worship team, a back up singer, an instrumentalist, a musician, keep on reading the book of Psalms! Devote your heart to God. Sing for Jesus, play for Him! Offer your talents for Him and only Him! Consecrate it before the Lord. I pray that you would never give up, that God would empower you. Continue to put on the full armor of God. I pray for God's confidence to be upon you. Know that each time you sing, the Lord is looking at you; that each time you play the instrument, He is listening! I just pray that God would work in you mightily. I pray that He would expand your territories. You are the front liners. Bring music to Jesus! Always protect your heart and stay away from anything that can kill your fire. Be humble, be holy, He has already set you apart. Rise up! Rise up, sleeping musicians! You were made to do more, more for Him, more for Jesus!
If you are a reader of this blog, I pray that God would work in your heart through this blog. If you don't know who Jesus is and would like to accept Him in your heart, you may pray this simple prayer and invite Jesus to take over your life.
I may not know who you are right now but I want to know who you are.
I want to accept you in my life and see you work in me.
I may not understand these things right now, but I trust you with my life.
Help me to work out my relationship with you from this point on.
I really don't know how to make this work, but I believe in your power.
I know this is only the start, but I continue to trust in you.
I am sorry, Jesus for my sins. Take my sins away and give me a new heart.
Right now, I thank you for calling me your own.
I accept you in my life. Come and take your place, Lord.
Bring changes into my heart.
Thank you, Lord, for listening to my prayer.
Let's talk more in the days to come.
If you prayed that simple prayer, please inform me @ so I can continue to pray for you. Or if you know any Christian friends, talk to them about this so they may help you. If you still don't have any church to attend to, I suggest you find one and get involved! Yep, God has called you to rise up and serve Him! You have to work for your own fire, keep reading and studying God's word, worship Him with songs, and get involved with your church's youth group.
Wanna know something? I praise the Lord for you!
My dear sister/brother, once you've invited Jesus in your life, it's not going to be always easy as you've always imagined but when you have Jesus, you have everything! You have the strength to overcome insecurities, you have God's grace! You have the power over sin, and you have Jesus! Salvation, my friend, is not an overnight work. It is a process that continues 'til your last breath. So, work it out, with Jesus. And never give up.