Don't put a comma when He already ordained it to be a period.
I got that quote from my friend, thanks to her, she knows who she is. About the quote, it really inspired me. Sometimes, we tend to modify God's instructions that is why we often fail in His tests. Does that make it sound understandable now? Take the school's exam as an illustration here. We have tests at school, and each time we do, there is always a guide given for us to follow. Now if we fail to follow such command, (which makes us zero in all parts of it)-- therefore we would fail to reach the standard score needed to pass that particular test.
Sometimes, all we really need to do is accept how God would want those things to be. Because His ways are perfect--they are always excellent! If we put a comma on the period He's already ordained--we might head the wrong direction and might go astray. I know, following instructions could be so hard at times, but just think of it as this way:
God had already placed a period there, so if you modify it--you might ruin the beautiful plan He has in store for you.