Today was quite a day. A lot happened. But God gave a wonderful end to my day.
He reminded me that I had to do everything for His glory. In the same way, it applies to you, too. We need to do everything for His glory. The moment we received Him in our lives, we are given a new name. And that is the name of Christ. In all that we do, His glory will be infected -- just because of us. We need to be careful in carrying His name.
Another thing I learned today was about truths. But it spoke to me, in a very extraordinary way, too.
God simply wants me to worship Him in truth.
And that truth are those truths that He has revealed to me.
His character. His goodness. His greatness. His worth. We must worship God not because we were told to worship Him, we worship God because we've seen how good He is, how faithful He is, how wonderful He is, how awesome He is, and how worthy He is. And because of these truths, we are motivated to thank Him -- the result is worship. These truths are our experiences. These truths are the things we hold on to. These truths are about Him.
That's why the Bible says that the Truth sets us free.
If we worship God in truth, we are being set free. We are declaring His truths and we are declaring it in truth. We declare and proclaim it because it's the truth -- and we've seen it come true in our lives -- we've seen how these truths were being done by God in us. We sing because of these truths. We play the instruments because of these truths. We live by these truths
because in John 14:6 it was stated that "Jesus is the way, the TRUTH, and the life."
The only way to enter the presence of God is through Jesus. The only way to worship God is through this Truth. The only way to get through this truth is to find the Way to this truth. And we don't need to worry how to find it,
because it has also been stated in Psalms 139:7 "Where can I flee from Your presence? Where can I go from Your Spirit?" He is everywhere.
Way. Truth. Life. Worship.Worth-ship.It's the purpose of our existence and other than that, there's no other shortcut.
It's only through Jesus.
Because worship is for God and God alone.
Thank You Lord for Your word today.