Life is a choice, and everything in it is a choice. Each time we wake up in the morning is a choice. Going to school is a choice. Brushing our teeth, taking a bath, studying, listening,bla bla bla bla--all of the random things we do would sum up to a choice. Well maybe we cannot really regret something we did because in the first place, we've already chosen to do it. But why are there still regrets when we've already made that choice, right?
Now that's where 'the wrong choice' and its best friend, 'regret' enters in. Sometimes, we just let ourselves indulge into something without ever having second thoughts about it. Sometimes we appear too determined about our choice but then in the end we suffer our consequences. Other than that, we also try to defend our choice even though we already know that it's not right.
Are we really consequence-prone-people because mistakes always attracts us with its magnetic force?! Here's a question I would like to throw into your mind.
If time machines were real, would you like to undo some things you did that you think weren't right?
If you would ask me, I wish I could undo things I did wrong, but sadly we just can't. Human as we are, we make mistakes. Of course, we are not perfect, I am not perfect--because we have our so-called sinful nature. But you know what? I think this 'i-am-not-/we-are-not-perfect' line has already turned into a very overused excuse.
Each time we sin, we reason this out--and sometimes, we intend to do the wrong thing because we know what exactly to reason out to God and even to the people around us. 'I am not perfect', Does it sound familiar? Well, we've already used it many times and I think it's time to change that line into something new. Instead of using that cliche, why don't we just improve ourselves and focus more in doing things the right way rather than reasoning out a line that was just made to defend our ego?
I think the world will be better without this 'i-am-not-perfect' mentality. Sometimes, all we just need to do is to humble ourselves and accept our own flaws. Because where humility is present, things will become better, and we could make God even more happier with our lives. Think about this:
If we make good choices now, it absolutely would influence not only our lives, but lives of people and maybe even the next generation. Isn't that wonderful? But hey, always remember that making a good choice is also a choice; and before anything good happens, that good result would only start right after making your own right choice. Always bear in mind that it's a matter of choice--a matter of a right choice. Who knows, you might be the next history maker by only just making the right choice. :)